parent nodes: Grace Evelyn | PlayerCharacters

Grace Evelyn

Questionnaire for: (Grace)/(Z)

What is your character’s name?
Grace Evelyn
What is your character’s physical description?
6 foot 4 inches tall. Caucasian with teal eyes and brown hair that has purple highlights. Wears all black.
How old is your character?
Are your parents alive? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die?
Mother is dead. Father is alive. Mother died due to a car accident.
Who raised you?
Do you have any siblings? What is their situation? Are they dead/how did they die?
Older brother who went missing on her birthday in 2007
Is your character married or in a serious relationship?
Single Pringle
What is your character’s social class?
Middle class
How has their upbringing affected their world view?
What is your character’s profession? Are they good at it?
Jobless at the moment
Is your character religious?
Has your character been arrested? What for?
Has your character served in the military?
Do you have any friends beyond your fellow rangers?
What is your character’s motivation/complications?
Stay away from her father and his side of her family as much as possible
How did your character learn or train their skills?
Self taught
What are your character’s life goals?
Heal and move forward
If your character saw a crime would they want to intervene?
Does your character know the other characters?
Not yet
What’s one places you hang out at/go to/whatever in the city?
Smoothie Bar
Anything else you want to mention about your character?